Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well what can I say my name is Maria Aguilera I am a senior here at Lincoln High. I am in Mr. Mutter's 3rd period class of Multimedia 1/2 and 6th period Computer Comp.. In my 3rd period we been using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Well that's basically what I can and will say in this thing...

Beginning Photoshop

 Image 1
 Well what can I say this project was the city image that we did using Adobe Photoshop. The tools we used were the lazzo tool, the dodge and burn tools, the gradient tool, and the marquee tool.

Image 2
 In this project we used the a coloring page drawing from which we could've choose which ever drawing we wanted. But we got to use to wand tool to fill in the only part that's marked. That's basically it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Celebrity Face

 Well this is my celebrity face I chose Selene Gomez as the face I would like to put in as mine. It doesn't look good but since their was no other one I could've think about so yeah... What we got to use in this was Adobe Photoshop the tools we used was move tool, lasso tool, burn tool, and erase tool. I didn't like this project because I didn't like the way I came out on my pictures because it didn't came out the way I expected they would. But what I liked about it was the we got to do chose a celebrity and take a picture of ourselves and but it into the other ones.

Self Portrait

Well this is myself portrait of myself I think? But this is not basically the colors I would have chosen but o well. What we used to do this was Adobe Illustrator the tools we got to use the selection tool, the pen tool, the direct selection tool, the eyedropper tool, the fill tool. What I like about this was that we learned how to make ourselves but in different ways. What I didn't like about this was basically that I didn't know how to do the shadows on the clothes or on the hair. What I would do better on it is take my time using the pen tool so I can make it better and show more design on the sweater. Well that's it.