Friday, May 18, 2012

El Caballo Dorado video reflection

Caballo dorado

Well in my video project what I am doing is a mexican square dance called "El Caballo Dorado" I am  doing this with Lidia and Lesley. This dance is the slow dance since their is the fast version of it. But since the people that are going to dance it don't really know how it goes so we are trying the slow version. We are not sure were we are going to dance it or film it, but we are working on the story board of the song to it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Suicide Prevention Poster

Well this is my suicide poster it took me a while to complete it since I really didn't know what was I going to do for it. But the big words on top were the first things that came up. It didn't really come up but  I remember them from the presentation we had from a visitor named Kristin and came to teach us about how to prevent suicide and if we are in that situation. She made us learned about how we can help each
 others about it or even help ourselves before committing suicide.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Game On Reflection

Well I did not get to finish my project because the instructions look pretty easily but the way you had to understand how to use adobe flash it was pretty difficult. I didn't get to finish because of the time we had and somewhat times a would not ask for help.This little image explains until what step I left off with.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Suicide Prevention Proposal

Well for my project what I am going to do is a poster that basically reflects what kids are doing to themselves because they are feeling stressed out or they have problems with themselves or w/ families. I am going to be working with Lesley and were are going to make several posters about suicide prevention. Not sure if Lidia will be able to join our team since she has been here for a while.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reflection On Video Game Movie

Well in the game video we just watched was basically how the games started to come out. I am not a really good fan of video games I basically don't care who came up with them and their history. I have not played a game since I am not familiar to none of the games that were mentioned in the video we just watched. The only games that I think I have remembered were the old games that came out long time ago and that's it. The games from the 20th century I do not even know what their called or how you play it. Well that is it. Oh by the way I DO NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Video Game Tutorials


Well basically what this game is a chicken nest game. The game will start at the moment you click the Game Over box, the game starts and you basically just catch the little black colored circles in the nest. The most black colored circle you get and then you win.


This game I chose because many people have played this game. Snake and ladders has many versions and I thought it would be interesting on how to make this video game. Also this game is like and easy mind game the its just teaches you how to use the arrow keys without looking at the keys.


This other game is basically another old game that many people use to play with it is basically connect four but you play with someone else. This game will either tell you who wins and it will start again if you press another key.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Well this is my project poster for Kony 2012. this poster image expresses how Kony reached the top of his finger tips to overtake children in Uganda. So we want him to go back to the beginning  which is his palm of his hands. To make this poster I used Photoshop this image didn't take any thinking I just started to get random images and put them together. I really didn't know what I was going to do because many people were using images that everyone else had. Hope you guys like it.