1. http://www.flepstudio.org/forum/tutorials/515-flash-game-tutorial.html
Well basically what this game is a chicken nest game. The game will start at the moment you click the Game Over box, the game starts and you basically just catch the little black colored circles in the nest. The most black colored circle you get and then you win.
2. http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Build-a-Classic-Snake-Game-in-ActionScript-2.0/55846
This game I chose because many people have played this game. Snake and ladders has many versions and I thought it would be interesting on how to make this video game. Also this game is like and easy mind game the its just teaches you how to use the arrow keys without looking at the keys.
3. http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Build-Your-Own-OOP-Connect-4-Game/54818
This other game is basically another old game that many people use to play with it is basically connect four but you play with someone else. This game will either tell you who wins and it will start again if you press another key.
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